
Showing posts from February, 2020

Getting older, and more so

Have you ever wondered exactly who you are, in essence? The you that was the child, or the teenager - was that the real you? Or the loving parent? Or ... where does you true character reside? Were you more 'you' before than you are now?? Is this me? (Or has 'me' already come and gone ... or am I not fully 'me' yet?) I remember reading a thing that said that we become more of what we really are as we age. So a person who is really mean, will become increasingly so, and a kind person will get kinder if that is their essential character. I know that I have a tendency to be critical of others. I'm working on that, I don't want to be more and more of that. I make a determined effort to be kinder. I want to be more and more of that.

Clappy Trees

"For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap  their  hands." (Isaiah 55:12) What does that look and sound like - the mountains and hills singing, and the trees clapping? It sounds lovely and joyful.

Elijah and the Priests of Baal

So we have been studying the story of Elijah in our weekly Bible study.  This is such an amazing historical tale. Can you imagine being there, watching the priests of Baal shouting and dancing and cutting themselves all day long, hoping against hope that their "god" would answer and send down fire. It was a bit of a damp squib. And then Elijah - the hairy, unkempt (smelly?) man gets up at the very end of the day, and tells them to pour 12 jugs of water over his sacrifice and altar before he even starts. And as soon as he calls out to God - without even specifically asking for Jehovah God to send fire - the fire comes down and burns up the sacrifice, the stones, the dust and the water. And, for a while, the people believed in the real God again.

The Cock-Eyed-Bob

So a week after "they" (who claim to know about the weather) forecast / promised / warned us about a storm ... it finally came. It started with a hint of darkness in the sky. We barely had time to drag the washing in, and move cushions etc from outside. The rain came in sideways, with a strong wind blasting behind it. Both of our little patios were flooded. The artificial turf was quickly underwater, with a sprinkling of small hail floating on it. The gutters were overflowing, and water was pouring in through the seals around one of the living room windows. It only lasted a few minutes. A local friend with a rain gauge said he had 40 mm in 20 mins. In those few minutes, the swimming pool filled up completely with rainwater, along with all sorts of debris that washed off the patio etc. Elsewhere in Perth there were trees downed, and other destruction, and a lot of people were without electricity. And then it passed, and all was quiet (and wet). We call it ...

Movable Fig Tree

Years ago, when we lived in Rockingham, we had a wonderful fig tree. For several months every year we had an over-abundance of figs - and never any problems with fruit fly. Coming back from our travels, after years overseas, we thought we would plant one in our garden in Northam. After 3 1/2 years, despite endless loving care, it was the same sad little tree as when it started. OK, no, it didn't die ... but it didn't grow either. Our Butler garden isn't overflowing with spare garden space, so that we have pots and raised garden beds all over the place. So our new little fig tree will be in a pot. But in order to make sure it is possible to find it the best spot in the garden, Hubby has built it a little trolley so we can easily move it about.

Time to prepare the Bunker

It might be time to get the bunker ready (if only we had one). The Virus has basically gotten away, it's heading off in all directions, and no one seems to be able to stop it. No one around here is particularly worried, because it seems unlikely to spread to these parts. But that's probably what they thought in Northern Italy, where several towns are now in lock-down. Before anything like that happens here, it might be good to at least stock up on a few sensible things. The pantry looks nice and full already - but not with stuff we could eat if we are hungry! And while fresh food is nice, it might be good to have a freezer well-stocked with healthy choices. Once panic buying starts, there are less choices.

Wishing for rain

It's soooo muggy! Not like Perth at all. We get used to our clear blue skies and fresh air. But the last week or so it has been really humid. All of our old-person joints are promising rain by hurting. The weather people keep on telling us it's going to rain. We have even had some clattering of loud drops on the patio roof overnight. But some real rain would be nice.

A visit from the Tribe

Eldest grandson is having his 17th birthday, and so we are treated to a visit from most of the tribe from one part of the family, the whole blended, mixed, added to group. Clearly very interesting people, all of them. And a lovely time was had by all.

I love puzzles

I love puzzles, and play lots of puzzle type games on my iPad. I don't play for points - or "coins" - or whatever they want to offer. I especially dislike those games where each time you play you have to try to beat a previous score, and the game sessions just get longer and longer. I like the games where the idea is to complete the puzzle - and there may be points, especially if it is done quickly and correctly. So then I decided to do a really BIG puzzle - I'm learning Chinese. (I'm using the nice little app " Duolingo ".) I'm doing it because: It's fun, like a really big puzzle with shapes and sounds to learn. I'm at an age when I need to look after my cognitive function. I'll be ready when our Chinese overlords arrive.

Finding Meaning

From the book of Ecclesiastes (chapter 1 verse 2 - in the Bible) " Meaningless! Meaningless!”      says the Teacher. “Utterly meaningless!      Everything is meaningless. " Life can feel like it has no meaning, although it is a new sensation for me. I have grown up with purpose in everything I do. And all of my jobs have had higher purpose, beyond earning money and simply surviving. But now, I simply have to decide what I want to do, and do it. Today, and tomorrow, and the next day ... not just on "holidays". So ... some "me" time, and lots of "us" time with my man. All good and very meaningful too. One day at a time. 

Going to the Dentist - what a treat!

One of the wonderful things about being a pensioner, is that you get discounts on all sorts of things. Going to the dentist for a treat! Yay! (You can get 50% or 75% off for people on concession cards.) So we had to make a visit to the Dental Clinic this morning, queuing at the door at 8.15 am with a whole lot of other pensioners. The other GOOD thing about it was that it wasn't me this time, it was Himself . Painless, on my part.

Tuesday doesn't have a feel

Fans of the old Jerry Seinfeld show might remember this is a quote from there. Tuesday doesn't have a feel. It is kind of bland - but that's ok. The days mostly no longer have meaning anyway. It's no longer "oh, no! This is the day when I teach ___ class!" Or "This is the day when I'm on yard duty!" and stuff like that. I have often wondered what it is like to be a person whose whole life is about staying alive - working just to survive for one more day, or week. Having no grand purpose beyond that. Well, today has no grand purpose. Just day-by-day stuff. Hubby is taking apart pallets - not as easy as it looks. He makes them into coffee tables,  and other nifty stuff. Now that's a Grand Purpose!

Yay! Monday!

I look forward to Mondays (and, no, it hasn't always been this way!) The weekend is over, everyone's kiddies are back at school (and I don't have to teach them) and everything is back to normal. We have a routine ... we usually go shopping on a Monday. Now that we have explored all of the local shops, we usually start by going to Aldi. We saw our first Aldi store at Lechaschau (in Austria) when we were on a bus trip back in about 2009 - and we found it very weird. When we first tried going to Aldi here in Butler we thought it was next to useless, offering mostly snack foods. But now we are used to it, and we get most of our regular stuff there, as well as rummaging for specials. Then we go to Woolies for anything they don't have at Aldi. We like parking at Woolies because there is a small shady section close to the door especially for oldies. We glare at the young people who park in our area! Oh, and there is one other reason why I like shopping at Woolies! ...

Sunday is Special

Well I usually know what day it is when it comes around to Sunday! Being part of Northside Baptist Church is one of the best things about living in this area. It is the best kind of church - small, and meeting in a community hall rather than owning a fancy church building. The congregation is made up of caring, friendly Christian people. The music is simple and honest - a piano, not a "worship team" gyrating on the stage. And the preaching is straight from the Bible.

Saturday traditions

Somewhere along the line we (just the two of us) have established a little Saturday tradition: breakfast at Maccas! We eat a leisurely meal while reading through the weekend West Australian newspaper. We like a egg and bacon McMuffin, and a hash brown each. And we treat ourselves to a soy milk cappuccino with caramel syrup. Then it's back home to get on with all the other important things for the day.

Valentines Day?

After 45 years of marriage, Valentines Day is just meaningless - because every  day of our 45 years has been better than Valentines Day. Yes, really. Every day we each make the effort to meet the other's needs, we don't need one special day. Love is an act of the will, not a feeling. It's a decision, a choice. We meant those promises we vowed before God way back then.

Thursday activities

The waistband of Hubby's undies tell me today is Thursday. I guess that makes sense. Tomorrow will be Friday - big deal! No "TGIF" now. ( Thank God It's Friday ) After years of working hard and hanging out for the weekend, suddenly it doesn't really matter any more. OK then. I will just sit here and read, until I can think of something else I must do. Loving it.

What day is it?

When I woke up this morning I was sure that it was Sunday. I looked at the clock, and was calculating how long I could stay in bed before we would have to get up and get ready for church. Then I realised that it is actually Wednesday. It is also known as "Panic Day" in our house. When we first offered our large open-plan living room for weekly church meetings, so obviously everything has to be neat as a pin before the folks arrive. We have now got used to the routine, and rarely need to panic. At the front of our house is a bold declaration that we are Christians. In our living room we have a pulpit sitting in the corner, next to the TV, and the tin of church songbooks. The TV is used to display interesting information as we are studying passages in the Bible. And we always have far more chairs that what we need for just the two of us. So, on "panic day", as well as setting out the meeting room, and finding a few items for supper, I alw...

The Diary of a Retiree

What does a retiree do all day? It has been nearly a year, and I am still trying to work that out. After years (and years) of working hard, meeting deadlines, pushing myself harder and harder, while encouraging younger ones in their various quests, it's not that easy to just stop. It is time to finally do those things I always wanted to do, but never had time for. Yup. I have to admit it is not at all bad.