Life During the Coronavirus

So not a lot has actually changed since the Coronavirus restrictions were imposed. There were a couple of weeks when shopping was a little bit crazy - we actually went to one of those early morning "Pensioners Only" shopping sessions, and it was packed, much worse than 'normal'. The toilet paper crisis didn't touch us because we always have hoarded a little bit. (We don't like scented TP, and so we buy up big whenever we find a supply of unscented.)

Sundays used to be a big deal, with church and all, and Wednesdays, too, with the Bible Study held at our house. Now those days have disappeared, and for a while every day was exactly the same as the last.

Some weeks there are several days that just repeat. Like first and second Thursday.

We generally treat ourselves to a Breakfast out on Saturdays (well, it helps to mark the day as a Saturday), but then we sometimes find there are several Saturdays in one week.


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