What is the Church?
Most people would recognise a church building when they see one - there is usually some kind of symbol to indicate the building's special purpose. I think that most people would say that the church is simply a building. Our home has a cross - the protestant Christian symbol - because it makes a statement to everyone in our neighbourhood. It's a small kind of "witness" to those around. It just happens that we also have been using our home as a kind of church, as we have a Bible Study group from our church that meets here during the week (though not now, with the virus n all.) A pulpit sits in the corner of our living room, along with a box of song books. And we clearly have far too many chairs. Not everyone has room for a church in their living room, but we have a huge open plan living room (and only 2 of us living in it). Still, this is our home - not a church. And not The Church. The Church is the people who love God and (therefore) meet t...